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Destined P C Cast 9781905654871 Books

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Destined P C Cast 9781905654871 Books

I love the writings of PC Cast & daughter. I really enjoyed this book. I read the book in one setting because I could not put it down. I've read the ones that both preceeded and the novellas that followed and and on edge until the next book in the series releases late this year. I've seen a lot of complaints about the language or slang and I can only say this: unfortunately this is how 16 year olds speak (to them they are trying to be adult like). Is this saying "it's good?" Absolutely NOT, but there is always that one young person like (Aphrodite) the one in the books who feels she is above all others and does feel using the term regard, moron, short bus - in essence removes her from her miserable life as the little rich girl who has everything but love; therefore lashes out at other with that exact language to make herself feel better or hide how she really feels onside. Young ppl can and some most certainly use such language and some, not only have the potential to be mean they are. Charity starts in the home and if you've read closely not very many if any of these young ppl came from functional homes...including Zoey
Sort may appear to be a whiner to some older readers but unfortunately she is acting like many young people act at 16 just having to deal with school, their parents who they proclaim are in their business (which in my humble opinion no 16 year old has personal business when there is an adult has to support them); feeling school, chores and other things parents try to teach them so that they will hopefully be productive citizens someday.

Now many may not want to believe it but the language used by the young fledgling are exactly how young ppl speak. And yes the are constantly making up new words I.e., ginormous, gimomgous, thot and other words that although they may not speak in the presence of a parent ...most certainly do say.

The fact that the Casts had guts enough to put pen to paper where all could see would has not turn me against them, it actually causes me to commend their boldness in doing so. I myself cringe when I hear young ppl speak in such a manner or at the dress code of today but I will not lash out at the books writers for that.

As a Native American Cherokee, I do not find Grandma Record's speech stereotypical...I applaud. I am actually ashamed that I do not speak the old ways or tongue of my ancestors. Had the Casts presented Grandma as a typical northern/southern/western or Eastern speaker I would have been upset. I actually take trips to the Reservation yearly in hopes of learning the old ways of my people.

As for Zoey/Neferet - the typical thing which occurs in today's society when she made attempts to expose her...adults did not believe which has allowed Neferet to morf from being just a mean high priestess to an immortal and since Zoey IS NOT Nyx incarnate she just can't beat her down - end of story.

Imho also, I don't believe there is one person who has not had boyfriend (s) problems at 16. However, if there is someone out there who is a young adult and is blessed enough to have never had Zoey's similar issue with boys/young men, then I both apologize and commend you.

Brown soda pop - yep that term is used by quite a few of us because most eaterys cater to coke, Pepsi, dr. Pepper, mr. Pins depending on the location and as stated they all are fully loaded with caffeine and sugar so what is the problem with that. For myself however, I am partial to the brown pop I drink so I call it by name (won't do it here.

Having read the book that followed this, I felt on track with the series (but I've also read the novellas which helped me understand certain characters better) but again thats just me.

Lastly, the blood lust or lack of that is mentioned - these are youngsters newly marked and early on in the series they mentioned that the time would come when they are full vampires that this will occur. So imho they are trying to guide the young fledgings on the path to to hopefully making the change to vampyres so that they don't have a school of full of youngsters going through two type of puberty at the same time and eating up the town as Neferet red fledglings who she raised on blood lust to the point they were feral and lacked humanity.

For one who loves all books, movies and anything about wolves (my spirit guide) and vampyres (mythical or not), I like the direction the Casts have took regarding the characters; especially Kalona, Rhapheim, Stevie Rae and Auto. I can only suggest revisiting the previous books and reading the novellas in between -even if from your liveary- and perhaps you might or might not change your feelings. Things sometimes look different the second time around.

Read Destined P C Cast 9781905654871 Books

Tags : Destined [P. C. Cast] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Book by Moore, Clement C.,P. C. Cast,Destined,Atom,1905654871,Children's Books - Young Adult Fiction,Fantasy & Magic

Destined P C Cast 9781905654871 Books Reviews

Once again the drama is unfolding. There was a lot to look forward to in the book. A few shockers and some hope for these vampires. I can't wait to see what happens next. This series is riveting.
long series but got hooked. waiting for the last one - November I think -
read first one to test the waters - got hooked. interesting mix of vampires and native american mythology(forgive me if I'm misleading) Just a heads-up, plenty of graphic language and sexual content - good or bad ? -that's up to you. I don't need it in a book but it didn't take away from the story to me - mostly it just seemed like "reality". (are you with me?) very cool story, interesting plotting - i don't know, I just thought it was pretty cool. Really - it is. Maybe like "Twilight" for guys ?? No - that aint it. I really like the heroine. A lot of the characters really. Ya know i think I'm just now realizing that I liked it a lot more than I thought i did - Hmm
Destined (House of Night #9)
By P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast
ISBN 9781905654864
Published October 25, 2011
Available Format Hardcover, Paperback, ebook, Audiobook

Goodreads' Synopsis Zoey is finally home where she belongs, safe with her Guardian Warrior, Stark, by her side, and preparing to face off against Neferet, which would be a whole lot easier if the High Counsel saw the ex-High Priestess for what she really is. Kalona has released his hold on Rephaim, and, through Nyx's gift of a human form, Rephaim and Stevie Rae are finally able to be together--if he can truly walk the path of the Goddess and stay free of his father's shadow...

But there are new forces at work at the House of Night. An influx of humans, including Lenobia's handsome horse whisperer, threatens their precarious stability. And then there's the mysterious Aurox, a jaw-dropping gorgeous teen boy who is actually more--or possibly less--than human. Only Neferet knows he was created to be her greatest weapon. But Zoey can sense the part of his soul that remains human, the compassion that wars with his Dark calling. And there's something strangely familiar about him...

Will Neferet's true nature be revealed before she succeeds in silencing them all? And will Zoey be able to touch Aurox's humanity in time to protect him--and everyone--from his own fate? Find out what's destined in the next thrilling chapter of the House of Night series.

All too often, any series with this many installments is going to fall flat at some point. Just how long can you continue the plot--the battle against good and evil. At some point we want the bad guys to just die already, right?!?

While I can certainly find faults in Destined, and this book is certainly not as exciting as the beginning of the series, it was still a great read. I love the introduction of Aurox and the struggle between his humanity and the evil purpose he was created for. It is very much the same with Rephaim as he grows accustomed to his nights as a human and days as a bird. Another great development is Kalona leaning more toward the good side as he teams up with Rephaim and Zoey to go against Neferet. His proposal near the end of the book was one of the most exciting aspects of the entire story! '

Of course, there is love, and now I am dying to read the novella about Lenobia! I'm really interested in learning more about her background and seeing what might come in her future. And, there is sadness, which turns out to be a rather happy ending anyway.

Enough with being cryptic so I don't give too much away... Destined is a great installment of the House of Night seires. Yes, it leaves us hanging again, of course, but I think it kind of boosted my interest in the series again. I'm really looking forward to book ten and seeing where the Cast ladies take us from here.
To read them all, then review, but I cannot. They are too good. Start with a typical, human, high school girl who has Mommy issues, to a newly marked Vampire Fledgling. Zoey just wants to be normal, but she gets marked to become a vampire, her tattoos are already colored in, so even as a vampire fledgling, she cannot be normal. Her bff dies, un-dies, looses her humanity, eats people, and Zoey must save her. Now, there's an immortal with wings, and her bff falls in love with his son, and he's part bird, part human and part immortal, souls shatter, OMG!!!!! Just awesome!!! I'm disabled, so I really should get the rest of the books from the library, but they are all checked out and at least a month before I can get them. Ugh, going hungry this week cause they are that good!!!! Check them out from the beginning, I have added the Cast's to my favorite authors list.
I love the writings of PC Cast & daughter. I really enjoyed this book. I read the book in one setting because I could not put it down. I've read the ones that both preceeded and the novellas that followed and and on edge until the next book in the series releases late this year. I've seen a lot of complaints about the language or slang and I can only say this unfortunately this is how 16 year olds speak (to them they are trying to be adult like). Is this saying "it's good?" Absolutely NOT, but there is always that one young person like (Aphrodite) the one in the books who feels she is above all others and does feel using the term regard, moron, short bus - in essence removes her from her miserable life as the little rich girl who has everything but love; therefore lashes out at other with that exact language to make herself feel better or hide how she really feels onside. Young ppl can and some most certainly use such language and some, not only have the potential to be mean they are. Charity starts in the home and if you've read closely not very many if any of these young ppl came from functional homes...including Zoey
Sort may appear to be a whiner to some older readers but unfortunately she is acting like many young people act at 16 just having to deal with school, their parents who they proclaim are in their business (which in my humble opinion no 16 year old has personal business when there is an adult has to support them); feeling school, chores and other things parents try to teach them so that they will hopefully be productive citizens someday.

Now many may not want to believe it but the language used by the young fledgling are exactly how young ppl speak. And yes the are constantly making up new words I.e., ginormous, gimomgous, thot and other words that although they may not speak in the presence of a parent ...most certainly do say.

The fact that the Casts had guts enough to put pen to paper where all could see would has not turn me against them, it actually causes me to commend their boldness in doing so. I myself cringe when I hear young ppl speak in such a manner or at the dress code of today but I will not lash out at the books writers for that.

As a Native American Cherokee, I do not find Grandma Record's speech stereotypical...I applaud. I am actually ashamed that I do not speak the old ways or tongue of my ancestors. Had the Casts presented Grandma as a typical northern/southern/western or Eastern speaker I would have been upset. I actually take trips to the Reservation yearly in hopes of learning the old ways of my people.

As for Zoey/Neferet - the typical thing which occurs in today's society when she made attempts to expose her...adults did not believe which has allowed Neferet to morf from being just a mean high priestess to an immortal and since Zoey IS NOT Nyx incarnate she just can't beat her down - end of story.

Imho also, I don't believe there is one person who has not had boyfriend (s) problems at 16. However, if there is someone out there who is a young adult and is blessed enough to have never had Zoey's similar issue with boys/young men, then I both apologize and commend you.

Brown soda pop - yep that term is used by quite a few of us because most eaterys cater to coke, Pepsi, dr. Pepper, mr. Pins depending on the location and as stated they all are fully loaded with caffeine and sugar so what is the problem with that. For myself however, I am partial to the brown pop I drink so I call it by name (won't do it here.

Having read the book that followed this, I felt on track with the series (but I've also read the novellas which helped me understand certain characters better) but again thats just me.

Lastly, the blood lust or lack of that is mentioned - these are youngsters newly marked and early on in the series they mentioned that the time would come when they are full vampires that this will occur. So imho they are trying to guide the young fledgings on the path to to hopefully making the change to vampyres so that they don't have a school of full of youngsters going through two type of puberty at the same time and eating up the town as Neferet red fledglings who she raised on blood lust to the point they were feral and lacked humanity.

For one who loves all books, movies and anything about wolves (my spirit guide) and vampyres (mythical or not), I like the direction the Casts have took regarding the characters; especially Kalona, Rhapheim, Stevie Rae and Auto. I can only suggest revisiting the previous books and reading the novellas in between -even if from your liveary- and perhaps you might or might not change your feelings. Things sometimes look different the second time around.
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